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Human Capital Officer

Human Capital


As a passionate person and a Human Capital Officer of MIB, Ummikalsum showcases her competency within the human capital industry with over a decade of experience. She believes in working passionately and enjoying the work that she's done.

Ummikalsum puts her knowledge and flair from her management degree and applies them during her working period. Believing in the idea of knowledge across industries, previously she had experience in managing airline operations and received accomplishments to adorn her experience.

In an industry that is vast and overlaps with various specialties and people, Ummikalsum is looking forward to putting her specialties to use and advancing the industry.


Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka University


Garuda Indonesia (2013)


• Certified Safety Management System – Garuda Indonesia Training Center
• Certified Safety Management Risk – Garuda Indonesia Training Center




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