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Shaheila Roeswan

Shaheila Roeswan

Marketing Communication Senior Specialist

Marketing & Marketing Communications


Shaheila's academic journey led her to obtain a degree in English Studies from Universitas Indonesia, where her passion for language and communication flourished. However, it was through her involvement in a myriad of projects, spanning both freelance endeavors and personal passion projects, that she found her niche in the dynamic realm of marketing and creativity.

Exploring avenues such as marketing communications, digital marketing, and brand development, Shaheila honed her skills and developed a keen understanding of the intricacies of the industry. With over 3 years of hands-on experience, she has successfully navigated marketing and branding initiatives across diverse sectors, gaining invaluable insights along the way.

While her expertise encompasses businesses spanning various industries, Shaheila has recently directed her focus towards the financial sector in her marketing communications endeavors. Her diverse freelance experiences have equipped her with the tools and skills necessary to tackle the ever-evolving landscape of marketing challenges with confidence and proficiency.


Universitas Indonesia


TGS AU Partners (2021)


Digital Marketing Specialization – Coursera (University of Illinois Chicago)




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