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MIB Assists Corporates in Filling Out Annual Tax Returns

In collaboration with Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia (IKPI) Jakarta Selatan, and Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Jakarta Selatan, MIB conducted an event with the theme Annual Tax Returns Technical Guidance open for public.

In the spirit of encouraging equal tax knowledge for corporates, MIB, in collaboration with Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia (IKPI) and Kamar Dagang Indonesia (KADIN), held an event dedicated to corporate tax compliance by inviting tax professionals, consultants, and practitioners as speakers from MIB and IKPI.

Held on 17 April 2023, the Chairman of IKPI Jakarta Selatan, Jenda Damanik, and Chairman of KADIN Jakarta Selatan, Akhmad Lafranta Siregar, welcomes the audience by giving an opening speech. They outlined and emphasize that the event was held mainly to provide technical guidance and assistance for corporates in filing their annual tax returns. The upcoming deadline for corporate tax filing is the hook of the event.

Moderated by Sonny Soebagyo, the first educational material was provided by Maulana Ibrahim, the Tax Services Director of MIB. In his session, Maulana helped corporate taxpayers in understanding the basics and comprehension regarding the types of taxes and written guidance for corporate taxpayers. Maulana Ibrahim outlines and explains the fundamentals of corporate tax filing design to enable further understanding from taxpayers. As his session was coming to an end, Maulana engaged in a Q&A session by providing answers and explanations to the audience. Ensuring that the questions were answered in a clear and concise way, it was clear that the participants were eager to learn more as questions kept pouring in.

As the sun continues to heat up the day, the session moves on with a more 'hands-on' experience. Led by Debi Citra Dewi, Debi started hers with a brief explanation and example of corporate annual tax returns filing. The session took a brief break to allow some refreshments for the participants and a space to get acquainted with each other. Waves of enthusiasm fill the air as the participants remain engaged with the speakers through light conversations and even tax-related questions exchanged during the break. Debi resumed the session and it picked up a notch as it turned more interactive when she strolls across the room, asking questions and interacting with participants regarding their experience with filing their annual tax returns.

The short break ended and Debi continued on with interacting and providing a live demo on how to fill out the annual tax returns using the 1770 form. Debi's interaction and session are specifically tailored to fill out the Non-final income tax. The next session was led by Fitria Idris from IKPI with a workshop and live demonstration on filing out final annual income tax returns for corporate taxpayers. As the sun is setting, Fitria managed to keep her session short and concise without missing any important details about her topic.

Towards the end, participants were eagerly engaging with their questions to all speakers on how to file their annual tax returns, as well as any tips and tricks that the speakers may have in planning their tax returns.


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