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Giving Back to Society: Monthly Visit to the Foundation

At MIB, we focus on creating positive impacts through our actions, as part of our company’s footprints to society. One of the ways we choose to share positive impacts is through giving donation.

At MIB, we focus on creating positive impacts through our actions, as part of our company’s footprints to society. One of the ways we choose to share positive impacts is through giving donations to those who need it. We ensure that we share and provide donations to an eligible foundation, in order to guarantee that our support will reach those we intend to extend our hand to.

This month, MIB revisits Yayasan Amal Mulia Indonesia, a foundation MIB is already familiar with, as we have previously and routinely donated to them. MIB’s back-to-back donation is aimed at helping the foundation provide daily necessities and easing its load on preparing day-to-day essentials for its children and members.

We met again with Ibu Muriati, one of the many caretakers of the foundation. Though it was a short meeting, we conversed about the everyday life of the children, as well as the children’s activities during the time of our visit. During this visit, we also met with a few children, and how a few members of the foundation are seemingly in the middle of a training session.

MIB always aims to help those around us, especially those in need. In order to support society, we must also assist those that are in charge of the future of the generation.


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MIB adalah grup profesional bersertifikat dan terdaftar di Indonesia, di mana setiap anggota memiliki keahlian yang unik. Setiap anggota bersifat independen, mematuhi standar kami, dan bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan dan layanan yang diberikan kepada klien.

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