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Celebrating MIB Anniversary: A Series of Events to Remember

In celebration of the MIB anniversary this November, MIB conducted several events leading up to the day of the anniversary, from an online talk show to competitions, as well as a foundation visit.

In celebration of the MIB anniversary this November, MIB conducted several events leading up to the day of the anniversary. MIB is starting the anniversary week by commencing a tax competition focusing on article writing and video. We invited several notable people as our judges: Aldino Kurniawan Editor-in-Chief of Majalah Pajak, Alfian Pratama Tax Practitioner and Educator, Kiara Leswara Beauty Content Creator, and Maulana Ibrahim Tax Attorney and Tax Consultant.

As the competition progresses, MIB also held an online talk show with one of the judges as well as a well-known internet personality, Kiara Leswara. As a content creator and beauty YouTuber, Kiara shares her experience juggling through the content creation world. Talk show participants are eager in learning the ropes of the industry, as well as finding out several tips on how to progress and manage their time in the industry.

As judges wrap up their evaluation of participants’ submissions, the MIB team commenced a CSR mission on the day of the anniversary. MIB visited a local foundation around the Ciledug area named Yayasan Amal Mulia and proceeded to donate several necessities to the foundation. Warmly greeted by the keepers of the foundation, MIB had a meaningful conversation about life at the establishment.

The anniversary events ended with the announcement of the winners for the tax article writing and video competition. The participants have been giddy from the beginning to know the winners of the competition. As the winners are announced, MIB wishes the winners very warm congratulations for their achievements.


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MIB adalah grup profesional bersertifikat dan terdaftar di Indonesia, di mana setiap anggota memiliki keahlian yang unik. Setiap anggota bersifat independen, mematuhi standar kami, dan bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan dan layanan yang diberikan kepada klien.

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